Wednesday, April 05, 2006

24 Update

This Monday's episode was intense. The President is a terrorist! How is this possible? If the terrorists listen to the President, are they still considered terrorists? Hmmm. That's a toughie. That may be one for Fidel Giamatti to answer. He proved himself a genius in his denouncing of George Clooney.
Now that the president is a terrorist, there are few the audience can still trust at the White House. Now it's up to Mike Novick, Chief of Staff previously referred to on this blog as "Dick Cheney and Paul Giamatti's love child", to save the day.

I hope those pictures don't come out too fuzzy. Either Mike saves the day, or Jack Bauer blows up the entire country and kicks the president's ass and there are never any problems again.
I just realized something. If the gas is being released in Los Angeles, that means that most of the liberal media's dwelling holes will be destroyed and killed! Wow! Maybe I should start routing for the terrorists. Nah. I have too much Anti-Terrorism in my blood. Plus, George Clooney lives in Italy.