Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Rocky Road for The Da Vinci Code

Well, as if I had spoken too soon, the Code is up to no good. And this time, there's reason to celebrate.

The critics hated the Code. And here I was, this poor guy with liberal media conspiracy theories up to his eyebrows, figuring of course they'll like it, they hate Jesus.

But as the Code unfolds, as this pic from Google Images clearly illustrates, things turned out quite differently. It was a bad movie. No matter what it said, who it hated (Jesus), who was in it (Hanks), it was still a bad movie. Hence the equation:

Tom Hanks+Ron HowardxDan Brown-Jesus=A BAD MOVIE!

Come on you guys. This isn't Calculus. A movies website recently posted reviews at 6% good. OUCH! And yes, it did get some good reviews. Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper liked it. The New York Daily Post liked it. Let me jog some memories.

Roger Ebert. Yeah, that's that fat guy who sits on the sofa and does nothing. The guy who danced on the grave of Gene Siskiel.

Richard Roeper. Yeah, I know him, that's that guy who sits next to Roger Ebert. He said that every American over the age of 12 should see Farenhiet 9/11 in theaters.

The New York Daily Post. Oh yeah, this is my favorite part. These are the bozos who back in 2004 said that The Passion of the Christ was anti-semetic. They started the whole thing. This paper! I swear! You can tell they really do hate Jesus.

Next matter of business. Ian McKellen, a favorite actor of mine who happens to be openly gay, has let me down. Ian got mad at Catholics because of our requests for a "fiction disclaimer" at the beginning of the film, and called for a fiction disclaimer at the beginning of the bible. He just successfully poured a middle eastern country worth of oil on an already heated fire.


Oh well, I'll finish it now.

Next business: Albinos. An albino culture group got mad at the code. They claimed that there's too many evil albinos in movies, from that guy in the jail in Princess Bride to the dreadlocked freaky twins in Matrix Reloaded. So it's not just Catholics...I also want to raise another point, this time involving our fine friend Ian. Maybe the code is anti-gay. They cast a gay person as the bad guy...WHOOPS! I just spoiled the end for everyone at home! Oh well. No point in reading the book now.

Next business: Leonardo. Just a thought, but does anyone else realize that Dan Brown made a mistake in the title of his book? Any Italian or art scholar knows "da Vinci" is not Leonardo's name but the town he is from. It's like calling me "of California." Da Vinci means "of Vinci."

Next business: The Box Office. The Code is hurting here too! X3 has already made more. Code brought home an astounding 77 million on opening weekend, the thirteenth most ever. But X has a record-breaking 120, warping the Memorial Day record and a total FOURTH on the all-time list. Not bad you guys. And even after Singer left as director.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

24 Finale




The 24 Finale was intense this Monday. It marked the death of Vladmir Bierko and Christopher Henderson, two terrorist big macs, all before the first commercial brake. Wow. President Charles Logan was FINALLY arrested, and much to the smiling faces of First Lady Martha Logan and Mike Novick, the good guys won in the end.
Or at least near the end. The ultimate twist of the season happened in its last two minutes, when Jack Bauer was captured by none other than the honorable nation of China. Why would China hate Jack? A relieble Culture that spawned the likes of Tommy Chong and Moa Zendong, I certainly don't see how this happened. Maybe they'll knock some sense into Jack. Either way, they're probably bringing him here:

I'll have to wait until next season to find out what happens. January 2007. Unfortunately for me, I'll be in Abu Dhabi, and may miss the action. I suppose I could always try to position my satalite, and possibly pick up some Jack in the late hours of the night.

Since I borrowed this equation technique from Edgar "Scanman" Morrison, I would like to remind everybody to visi his blog, which can be found in the links list, "sweet spots."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


After several recent charges of plagerism on the likes of Big Lee and Fidel Giamatti, I've decided to put myself in the absolute clear. I would like to thank Google Images. Through Google, I was able to post pics from Paul Giamatti, to George Clooney, from 3 Six Mafia, to bad hair, from the Oscar, to Abu Dhabi. Thanks Google guys. We've worked splendidly together. I'm glad to give credit where credit is due.


Check out this freestyle rap:

"Google Images is ill, dawg it's in the mix,
That's where I go for my blog, to get my kick ass pics!"

Monday, May 22, 2006

Rob Gun

It seems my blogging influence is spreading, as I now am pleased to announce a new member of the blogging community. Rob Gun (fashizzle) of is a good friend of mine, as well as a pretty ghet ally, useful on today's street. The two of us are quiet the dynamic duo when it comes to freestyle rap.

You can't stop him in his Air Force Ones.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Time 100

This may well be a tad overdue, but as a loyal reader of Time Magazine, it is my duty to analyze their choices.

This year, I was dissapointed. Al Gore, Al Franken, come on, these are just lists of Al's that they like. While last year's list was refreshingly un-celeb dominated, I'm afraid that just isn't the case. Both Best Actress Winner Reese Witherspoon and Best Actor Winner Phillip Seymour Hoffman are on the list, Will Smith is on the list, Puff Daddy is on the list. Or whatever his name is now.

The worst was Dane Cook. He's not funny. At all. Really. Dane Cook is not FUNNY! He lacks the distinctive and unique voices of his comedian peers. Sienfield's whine, George Carlin's high-guy vibe, Paul Giamatti's nosebleed, Owen Wilson's surfer boy. Ben Stiller's geek, Ellen DeGeneres's man-woman, Jack Lemmon's oldness. In place of all these amusing dialects, Cook sounds like he has this cold, this perpetual, never-lifting cold, this cold that goes down and kills your throat, makes millions of audiences hold their necks. And whatever happened to the whole "100 people who shape our world" garbage? Who's world has Cook shaped? How many people in Africa have been influenced by him? How many souls has he touched? ZIPPO!

The one exception that I am really proud of is the inclusion of United Arab Emirates Vice-President, Dubai guy Shiek Mo. Mo's the man. He's been building incredible skyscrapers, man made islands in the shape of the world, and now Earth's tallest building. Under the momentum of Mo, Dubai is now home to one whole THIRD of the world's construction cranes. Thanks Mo. You've turned my new home into a gigantic, adult playground. I think it's fair to say he's certainly accomplished a lot more than Dane Cook.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The End of Hair

Now that I'm ending my long series of posts on hair, I'd like to consider comments from my pals. This is like American Idol, we actually take into account what you say. Speaking of American Idol, Ryan Seacrest is another guy with pretty bad hair. And another one I thought of later was Donald Trump.

His hair is all fake and wierd colors and tupee. It's like he needs attention and he doesn't know how to get it. And Lindsay Lohan, my stars, she has bad hair. But it's been about 15 colors, so I can't get an up-to-date photo. Shame.

The only problem with this American Idol stuff is that only one person actually voted. Scanman, you just won a barrell full of street cred. We did, however, get some good feedback nonetheless. We learned from Antonio that Princess Liea's hair is great, but she's not cutting it good-looking-wise. And everyone seemed to like Aslan's hair. I disagree with the blogger who said that if he were a man, he would be hot. If Aslan were a man, he'd definitely be Jesus. Bobby M liked all the hair. Typical sissy Bobby M. Conan's hair was well recieved, and Hanks's dissed. Everyone liked redheads.

So after all this, what we really should have gotten out of it is not to diss TH or pray to Aslan at night. Not to dream of Liea and forget the 5th of November. What I want from you guys is simple. Next time you're walking down the street and you see hair, think about it differently than in the past. Not too much to ask, I hope.

I would also like to take this time to announce that I finally figured out how to put your Blog Buddies on the sidebar. Check them out, in alphabetical order and everything.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

More On Hair

For those of you who read my latest hair update, I promised more. Well, I'm not the kind of man who gives up on a promise. More of the worst:

I'm sorry, wizard fans but the hair on Harry's best friend, Ron "poser" Weasley are growing proof that the devil can hit even Waldo-style orange locks. This shame of a hair-day gives a bad name to wizards, redheads, the English, kids, Western Civilization, and all humanity in general.

And last but not least comes this ridiculous display of feminitity that calls itself Tom Hanks. Yep. Code is bad. Hanks is worse.

Oh, and if manes count, add this to the good list.

I would also encourage others to follow Scanman's footprints and vote for the best and worse. We can make hair into a game. And if we can make something as serious as Hair into a game, we can make anything into a game! So long for now. See you late-hair.

Monday, May 08, 2006


As Saturday May 6th was the birthdate of George "stolen Oscar" Clooney, it's about time I say something nice about him. We can be civil here at the WaldoFiles. So I decided to do good and give cred to those who do good.

George did good the other day. He's been trying to raise money and aid for the Darfur genocide, and I respect him for that. Good job George!

He also shares a birthday with the greatest filmmaker who ever lived, Orson Welles.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


While blogging about Tom Hanks and The Da Vinci Code, the subject of hair came up. I looked back at my profile "random question": describe your hair from your last haircut. I answered, "red-headed and sexy." yes, hair is very important. But you see people with good and bad hair all the time. I've come to realize that hair is most important for fictional characters, who might excell or sink through those long, inspiring, hair close-up shots or character descriptions. Here's the best (and Worst) hair in the movies:


The best hair of any character of course belongs to Princess Liea of Star Wars fame. Just look at it! It's so great! It also inspired the imaginary girlfriend of millions of 1970s nerds.

This is another guy with pretty cool hair. It has this reggae, Bob Marley dreadlocks look, while being Pirate and stuff at the same time! Not to mention the fact that the new movie is coming out this summer. I don't do advertising on blogs. Very much. Notice I didn't name the character or film.

Two characters with hair, one good, one bad. People who know me can tell which one without thinking. Miles Raymond (Paul Giamatti)'s hair is brilliant. Quite simply, it's so bad, it's good. He has that sweet roundhead look while being geeky, inspiring, thoughtful, and signature Paul. Jack (Thomas Hayden Church)'s hair, on the other hand, is a different story. It makes him look like a little kid! Come on Tom! You can grow better than that!

There's this late night host, an Irish-Catholic guy, who's hair reminds me of myself. Conan O'Brian might not be fictional, but his hair sure is dreamy.


I feel sorry for poor Natalie Portman. After an outlash of George Lucas's imagination, she was tricked into making her hair some kind of Freak Sideshow Museum. And come on, George, you can't outdo Princess Leia's hair. Stop trying for a repeat. Here at the Waldofiles, we don't allow rip-offs.

It's a real shame when someone makes the list twice, but Natalie's display truely gives all hair a bad rap. The problem here? There's none! There is no hair! What the heck! And Hugo Weaving's locks are no walk in the park either.

We'll be back with the best and worst hair, yet again blogspot has denied me more pictures! Seven's enough tonight, but I was hoping to include Harry Potter and friends, and one last lash out at Tom Hanks from the Code. Untill next time!