Saturday, September 30, 2006

Some Very Special News


It's the holy month of Ramadan, the celebration of the revelation of the Quaran from the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Mohammed. This also means fasting from sunrise to sunset for all Muslims. Even non-Muslim Arabs are expected to refrain from eating outside the home, so people like me can rule out a fast food stop or sip of water anywhere a fasting Muslim might be. This is really quite the sacrifice, partially because Arabic food is so delicious.

Ramadan also means shorter work and school days here in the UAE.

I'm now connected to the world wide web!

More posts!

More comments!

More Waldo J. Cartridge!

This also means that the Waldo Awards will be resumed before long. I apologise for the hiatus (look it up), it seems as though I hadn't timed them wisely. But now that I'm all settled in, I can resume coverage of more trivial matters. I'll also warn you all to look out for Waldo in the acting awards...all 61 of my lines will be uttered with perfection.

Everyone should also notice the addition of "Joe's Place", a new blog on my sidebar. Joe is happy to join the blog world and we should all be appreciative of his well-timed coming.


Speaking of trivial matters, I've now finished all four previous seasons of 24. That's 96 episodes. This has led to an even more intense inpatience for Season 6. It looks like it's going to be the best ever. James Cromwell has recently been cast as Jack's father!




Scanman said...

I cant wait til next season. Check out my new post

Josef D Guttenheimer said...


p.s. im trying 2 start the united league of super friend bloggers.

its idea is to make it be that no new blogwars start.

Michard said...

Cool, You're on the WWW again. Looking forward to more solid posts.

Michard said...

By the way Chambers, that is one of your dumbest ideas ever.

Josef D Guttenheimer said...

it is not.

not as dumb as that time i crowned myself mayor.

Bobby M said...

Nothing's as dumb as that Chambers. I am too looking forward to the new season of 24. Now that you're connected to the web I expect very frequent posts and comments.

Bobby M said...

Looks like we're close together in number of posts. Not that it's a competition or anything

Our idea is not about film ratings. Censorship is different, and we plan to spread our ideas beyond just movies. Television and music will be our main focus.

Scanman said...

JOhn, you need to post more. Do you still love Isoflex? I am assuming that you have a whole collection now. When you come back, we are going to film all of our skits. I finsihed the ones i wrote. PJFILMS!!!!!!!!!!
