Monday, August 28, 2006

More Astonishing Blog News

Wally...the name itself reminds us of the UK, the things that hold up the ceilings, and that weird guy on Leave it to Beaver. It only lasted a short time, but it was good. Now it's time to move on.

Why, you ask? The main reason that I changed back to Waldo was that I need everyone to know that I am in fact named Waldo, rather than some silly gimic based on a kid's book. I don't want any strangers to think I'm just a phsycho. I'm really Waldo. I also want everyone to know that this change has nothing to do with Michard, although I do thank you for your suggestions. For anyone who's paying attention, my favorite book is still "Where's Wally?" and will remain so as a kind or painful reminder.

The other blog news is a new feature on the links list. I was made known to the fact that Michard is posting again, and within seconds his link was a healthy new addition to my sidebar.

I apologize about the lack of picures on my latest two posts. I'm posting from a Mac, so give me a break!



Josef D Guttenheimer said...

Whats School like in Abu Dhabi post about that.

ARe you in your house yet?

Michard said...

Yes! I told you. I like Waldo MUCH better than Wally...What kind of a name is that...go to my blog!!!

Scanman said...

24 WON BEST DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!