It's true. I will lose 50 pounds, make it big in Hollywood, marry an exceptionally attractive Catholic woman, etc. Last night I ate out at a Chinese Restaurant, Chen Yang Li. It was simply delicious. When we recieved our fortune cookies, I grabbed one quickly. You see, I always get excited with fortune cookies, I am a collector of fortune cookie messages. I then saw that one member of our party was without a cookie. I am a generous man, so I volunteered my cookie. Wow. Look at that sacrifice, a true act of charity. A fortune cookie collector who volunteers his own cookie. That was when my dad, who was also eating with us that night, volunteered his to replace mine. Wow. That's a real dad. So when you get a cool message it's one thing, but after an amazing sacrifice and a gift from a real dad, then it's magic. I opened the message and it read:
"Your dream
will come true."
"Lucky Numbers 3, 7, 12, 24, 27, 33"
HOLY COW! Not only does this message bear the magic of sacrifice and real dad, but take a close look at those numbers. They include 3, the traditional "magic" number, and 33, the age of Jesus when he died and ressurected. What a great cookie! This is no ordinary message either. Most sound a little more wisish and long and stuff. This one was succinct, right at me, and clear to the point. My dream will come true.
i love fortune cookies
lol are u on the crack pipe?
those are good and it would be true except ive gotten the same one along with my dad, sister, and uncle. its almost as good as the won i got that said u will be invited to a karaoke party and then 2 weeks later i was.
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