Thursday, May 04, 2006


While blogging about Tom Hanks and The Da Vinci Code, the subject of hair came up. I looked back at my profile "random question": describe your hair from your last haircut. I answered, "red-headed and sexy." yes, hair is very important. But you see people with good and bad hair all the time. I've come to realize that hair is most important for fictional characters, who might excell or sink through those long, inspiring, hair close-up shots or character descriptions. Here's the best (and Worst) hair in the movies:


The best hair of any character of course belongs to Princess Liea of Star Wars fame. Just look at it! It's so great! It also inspired the imaginary girlfriend of millions of 1970s nerds.

This is another guy with pretty cool hair. It has this reggae, Bob Marley dreadlocks look, while being Pirate and stuff at the same time! Not to mention the fact that the new movie is coming out this summer. I don't do advertising on blogs. Very much. Notice I didn't name the character or film.

Two characters with hair, one good, one bad. People who know me can tell which one without thinking. Miles Raymond (Paul Giamatti)'s hair is brilliant. Quite simply, it's so bad, it's good. He has that sweet roundhead look while being geeky, inspiring, thoughtful, and signature Paul. Jack (Thomas Hayden Church)'s hair, on the other hand, is a different story. It makes him look like a little kid! Come on Tom! You can grow better than that!

There's this late night host, an Irish-Catholic guy, who's hair reminds me of myself. Conan O'Brian might not be fictional, but his hair sure is dreamy.


I feel sorry for poor Natalie Portman. After an outlash of George Lucas's imagination, she was tricked into making her hair some kind of Freak Sideshow Museum. And come on, George, you can't outdo Princess Leia's hair. Stop trying for a repeat. Here at the Waldofiles, we don't allow rip-offs.

It's a real shame when someone makes the list twice, but Natalie's display truely gives all hair a bad rap. The problem here? There's none! There is no hair! What the heck! And Hugo Weaving's locks are no walk in the park either.

We'll be back with the best and worst hair, yet again blogspot has denied me more pictures! Seven's enough tonight, but I was hoping to include Harry Potter and friends, and one last lash out at Tom Hanks from the Code. Untill next time!

1 comment:

Scanman said...

i vote that the best goes to conan o' brian and the worst goes to the second natalie portman. "All da kids lookin up to me can suck my