Thursday, April 06, 2006

Celebrity Spotlight On: Chuck Norris

Since two of my blogging comrades have blogged about Chuck Norris, it's about time I jump on the bandwagon and blog about him too.

While Big Lee and Edgar Morrison have cited many important facts about the star, there are some vital characteristics which were not touched upon. Norris is an infamous Hollywood Conservative, a phenomenon almost unheard of in out times of Liberal Media bias. This is a prime example of how America can and does beat out the media. Although pressed by his Clooney-esque peers into a state of "F-List" or "Z-List" Hollywood, Norris has something of a cult apeal. A following. A fan bonanza. Facts about Norris rage across the internet in a frenzy of kick-ass.

Another "fact" about Chuck Norris not frequently touched upon is his Christianity. Visit the Official Chuck Norris Site for more details.

In an interview with Time magazine that confronted his uncommon Conservative beliefs, Norris quiped, "If I ever found a Democrat I liked, I'd vite for him too." 'At a boy, Chuck!

I would also like to mention that his SUV is not for tree-huggers.


Josef D Guttenheimer said...

cool guy. SNAKES ON A PLANE.

Paul said...