Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy Holidays!

This is my last post of 2006.

This needs to be special.

Very special.

First, I need to say Happy Holidays to my readers in all corners of the world! I enjoyed a very Merry Christmas here in Abu Dhabi, and hope for a happy new year.

Although there was no snow, I visited Ski Dubai for the first time and was very satisfied by what it had to offer. My family and I were easily the best skiers on the hill. We were blasting down those slopes at speeds the other skiers couldn't even comprehend. Most of the other skiers were visiting from the UK, and had no understanding of the high-speed American sport of skiing. They told me that while there was some skiing in the United Kingdom, "it really isn't all that brilliant," and clearly inferior to that of the States. There are two different ways down the hill: normal and experts. I went down with the experts. The whole thing is pretty strange. With the walls and ceilings, it just seems weird to ski down the slope. After a while, I got used to it, and proved my skill by going 0 to 200 mph in 1.6 seconds. (I made those numbers up)

We've got the cousins from Connecticut visiting us here in Abu Dhabi. They, unlike my fellow bloggers, were not too scared to come here. Our 2006 will be cut short. Because of the time difference, 2006 will be about 8 hours shorter than 2005, as I started it eastern time and am finishing it Abu Dhabi time. What a gip! Oh well. Depending where I am a year from now, I might get a longer 2007 than ever before.

This is the Waldo Files first Christmas. Me and the Waldo Files have been celebrating by listening to Billy Mack's (Bill Nighy's) Christmas tunes and watching excellent Christmas films like Love Actually and Muppet Christmas Carol. I would recommend both. You can find Nighy in the bottom left hand corner. He got famous this summer from playing Davy Jones, but his best performance is clearly in this film. Be sure to watch it.

My Christmas was very nice. I recieved many gifts, and gave lots While love doesn't cost anything and requires no thought or time to give, it is extremely important and the best gift one can possibly get. I celebrated Christmas at St. Joseph's Church. Maybe I will describe the church in a later post, and maybe I won't. Just wait and see.
So now 2006 is at an end. It's been a great year for blogging: lots of wars, peace, initiatives to save people, initiatives to make movies, happiness, sadness, laughter, crying, and of course, plenty of important and thoughtful opinions bouncing around the internet.
So what will 2007 bring? Who knows. We'll have to wait and see.


Scanman said...

I want to go to ski Abu Daubi sooooo badd

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

Ski Abu Dhabi? Do you mean Ski Dubai?

If you actually want to go there, come and visit me.

Josef D. Guttenheimer said...

i bought love actually for my mom last christmas. it was good and keira knightley is wicked hot.

happy new year

Josef D. Guttenheimer said...

oh btw.

its not that i'm scared to go it's that i'm going to the grand canyon and maybe london some time soon therefore i can't afford a trip 2 abu dhabi.

Bobby M said...

I'd love to come. I'm definately not too scared.

Michard said...

You took my idea! I was thinking about doing a 2006 recap for a while. Thanks a lot W.