Thursday, November 02, 2006

Waldo The International Hit

I've recently picked up a SiteMeter, which I encourage readers to visit. It can be found at the bottom of my sidebar. This Meter keeps track of hits, visit, frequencies, and many other things. In my opinion, the most interesting statistic is the country tracker. I've found that only today, (November 2nd) someone from France visited my blog! France! Imagine that. The majority of visits come from the Emirates of course, and I have a few from the U.S. But France really takes the cake. (Haha. Like that Marie Antionnette reference?)


Michard said...

W. I am very sorry, but I do not like the new look. Stick with the old one, it was a nice fit...

Josef D Guttenheimer said...

hehehe. im gunna beat the uae all on my own.

Scanman said...

may i ask how you got the hit counter?