Saturday, October 14, 2006

James Bond

Today I found the greatest movie I've ever seen on I can't wait to share this brilliant piece of filmmaking with everyone in the USA.


Scanman said...

Thats so awesome!!!!!!!!!! Is that one of your friends? Make a sequal!!!!!

Josef D Guttenheimer said...

who is that kid.

its well done.

that kid looks like micah.

Michard said...

Speechless. I have no speech. It was good, but I didn't really get the end, what happened? Odd, maybe good, I am speechless, I have no speech. I will tell you this, no where near as good as the Departed. Sorry, I am not hating on your movie, but the Departed is AWESOME. Leo, Damon, Whalberg, NICKLSON, one of the best I've ever seen.

Michard said...


Scanman said...

michard, look at my comment on dubyas previous post. im furious

Josef D Guttenheimer said...

so u have a camera. film the UAE and ur house so we can c.

Michard said...


Bobby M said...

Excellent piece of cinema. I look forward to seeing the rest of it.