Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I know Blogspot didn't allow me any pictures last post, so it was most certainly a long and difficult read. This post is a picture follow-up, so make sure you read about my easy and expected victory first. Deal?





Okay, okay, so I beat Booby M. But come on, did anyone think I wouldn't?
Yeah, I made that myself. Don't I deserve a bit of fun?


Bobby M said...

Good job making fun of John Kerry and Dan Rather... I don't much care for them.

Bobby M said...

Generally, if you have to tell someone you're making fun of them, you didn't do a very good job of doing so. I complimented your post and you come back with a rude remark. I guess you're still bitter that you lost the feud.

Bobby M said...

Well I guess you're just a rude person. Either that or you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. No worries man, I forgive you.

Bobby M said...

I never insulted Catholics or Christians of any kind. I never said I believed the Da Vinci Code. I never brought up any of the topics such as "opus dei" or the "dead sea scrolls." You brought them up. I never even mentioned them because it was irrelovent to what we were talking about.

It appears that you are not only uneducated, rude, obnoxious, intollerant, closed-minded, delusional, and don't know what the word "hypocrit" means. You are also a liar.

Bobby M said...

I addressed the facts after you presented them, but I didn't bring them up. As I said, they were irrelevent. You brought them into this without cause or reason and said you won because of it. Because you have knowledge of so-called facts you won? Thats not how it works my friend. You digressed from the original topic, which was The Da Vinci Code, a book which you criticize but have never read.

I realized, thay you are quite the hypocrite yourself waldo. At first you said you'd never see it, which sparked this debate, and then you said you have interest in reading it. So let me get this straight: you don't think people should read/see it, but you want to? I believe that's the definiton of hypocracy.

Bobby M said...

No one has the right to make anyone see a movie or read a book they don't want to see. They also don't have the right to forbid anyone from reading/seeing it. Thats the what the Vatican is doing.

I would like to say that I apreciate you explaining your point of view in the kind respectful mannor that you did in the last comment. Its a positve change from the opinions you obnoxiously presented as fact. However, I would like to request that you stop refering to my name as a slang term for the female body. Its quite imature. There are several mean nicknames I could make from "Waldo."

Bobby M said...

Well, according to YOU Waldo, the Vatican issued a boycott on the Da Vinci Code.

Weirdo, Waldodo, Walturd... all slang terms for Waldo. So if you want to play the name calling game go right ahead. I'll beat you just like I beat u in the Da Vinci Code debate

Bobby M said...

Just curious Waldo... are you going see or read the Da Vinci Code? I mean maybe if you do we can have real debate. Of course, if you actually read it, maybe you would beat me because you'd actually have an argument.

You should never shy away from enjoying the arts of literature or film, even it they disagree with what you believe in. A good story is a good story and thats that.

Paul said...

lol im back

Bobby M said...

I saw the movie. If you saw the movie I would call that equal to the book, at least in terms of debating knowledge. If you notice, I've alway said "read/see" in order to clearly point out that I see them as pretty much equal.

While the movie got a lot of poor reviews, it did get some good ones. And as one who actually saw it, I can say that it was interesting and enjoyable. Fantastic? No. As good as Nacho Libre is going to be? Obviously not. But it was decent. And the book was an international bestseller. All those book buyers can't be wrong Waldo.

Bobby M said...

I'm not sure what you mean by read anything from the other side. But in a debate about the Da Vinci Code, the only thing necessary to read/see is The Da Vinci Code.

And by the way... you'll still have to pay money to see it on dvd. To rent it costs something.

Bobby M said...

I feel no need to consult anything other than the source we're debating. You have yet to do that. Therefore, your argument deserves no respect.

Bobby M said...

I said this in another comment on another post that you obviously did not see...

"There is no such thing as a fact. Only opinions with evidence to support them." --Big Lee.

Yes you did have strong evidence to support your opinions, but as I've said before and I'll say again, the topics were irrelevant to the Da Vinci Code. You have not read the book or seen the movie. You do not know the story as a whole, therfore you know neither side of the argument.

If you don't know the story, you can't support it, but you also can't criticize it. Just face it Waldo. YOU LOST. I'm really not trying to rub it in your face but until you get it throguh your head I have to. I won't hold it against you if you admit the following:

"I am not familiar enough with The Da Vinci Code to say whether or not it is Anti-Catholic. Until I read or see it, I have no possible argument that could stand up to those of someone who saw it. Therefore, Big Lee beat me in this debate."

That's the truth and the only truth there ever was and will ever be. No matter what you say that will still be the truth.

Bobby M said...

I've seen the movie. You obviously haven't comprehended my last comments. You have no right to talk bad about something you don't know anything about. I can critique it because I saw it, but you can't because you didn't. I'm gonna repeat this comment until you admit that that's true.

Bobby M said...

You have no right to talk bad about something you don't know anything about. I can critique it because I saw it, but you can't because you didn't. I'm gonna repeat this comment until you admit that that's true.

Bobby M said...

You lost for the following reason:

You have no right to talk bad about something you don't know anything about. I can critique it because I saw it, but you can't because you didn't. I'm gonna repeat this comment until you admit that that's true.