Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I made up a new card game. It's called BlackJackBauer. The players get two cards and try to add their values as close to 24 as possible. If they are over it is called a "bust" and the player is shot above the kneecap and loses. Since it is a peaceful game, we shoot you above the kneecap so you can still walk. The kit goes on sale now, it comes with a labtop computer, a gun, a CTU keycard, Sentox Nerve Gas, and a 24-themed deck of cards. The cards have pictures of characters on them. Jack is a Jack. Bill is an Ace. Chloe is a Queen and Edgar is a king. Lynn McGill is the two of clubs. Audrey is not in the deck because we don't know if she's a terrorist or not yet.


Paul said...

well..... wouldn't black jack bauer mean that he immediatly gets arrested!

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

or shot dead.